


Edward Carroll Stone
當選名譽院士年 2022

  • David Morrisroe Professor of Physics; Vice Provost for Special Projects,California Institute of Technology
  • S.M., University of Chicago, 1959; Ph.D., 1964; D.Sc.h.c., Harvard University; Washington University; University of Chicago; University of Southern California.
  • Research Fellow, Caltech, 1964-66; Senior Research Fellow, 1967; Assistant Professor, 1967-71; Associate Professor, 1971-76; Professor, 1976-94; Morrisroe Professor, 1994-. Chairman, Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy, 1983-88; Vice President for Astronomical Facilities, 1988-90; Vice President and Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1991-2001; Vice Provost for Special Projects, 2004-.
  • Space Physics
  • Since 1984 Member of the National Academy of Sciences
  • Recipient of the 1991 National Medal of Science
  • Recipient of the 1992 Magellanic Premium
  • Recipient of the 1999 Carl Sagan Memorial Award
  • Recipient of the 2007 Philip J. Klass Award for Lifetime Achievement
  • Recipient of the 2013 NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal
  • Recipient of the 2014 Howard Hughes Memorial Award
  • Recipient of the 2019 Shaw Prize in Astronomy