- Harvard University, College, A.B. (1949)
- Harvard University, School of Medicine, M.D. (1954)
- Assistant, Associate and Full Professor of Microbiology, Graduate School of Public Health, Univ. of Pittsburgh (1959-1997)
- Assistant, Associate and Full Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh (1959-1997)
- Associate and Full Professor of Pathology (1965-1997)
- Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh (1971-1992)
- Chair, Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, Graduate School of Public Health (1971-1997)
- Director of Clinical Research, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, R.O.C. (1998-2001)
- 國家衛生研究院臨床研究組組主任(1997-2001)、特聘研究員(1997-2002)
- Microbial Biology, Virology, Immunology, Medical Physiology and Metabolism
- Member, American Society of Clinical Investigation
- Member, Association of American Physicians
- Macy Senior Medical Scholar Award (1978-1979)
- Academician, Academia Sinica, R.O.C. (1978)
- One of the Best Doctors in U.S.A. ("Best Doctors in America", S. Naifeh and G. Smith)(1992-1993, 1996)
- Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Sciences