Clayton Daniel Mote, Jr. Election Year 2016 President, U.S. National Academy of Engineering
500 Fifth Street, N.W., NAS 218
Washington, DC 20001, USA Tel: (202) 334-3201; (301) 520-1312; (410) 216-9002 / Fax: (202) 334-1680
Current Positions
President, U.S. National Academy of Engineering
PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Professional Experience
University of Birmingham, England, Research Fellow (1963-64)
Carnegie Inst Tech, Pittsburgh, Asst Professor ME (1964-67)
UC Berkeley:
Asst / Assoc Professor / Professor (1967-98); Chair of
Dept of Mechanical Engineering (1987-91); Vice
Chancellor (1991-98); FANUC Chair in Mechanical
Systems (1991-98)
University of Maryland, College Park:
President (1998-2010); Regents Professor (2011-to
date) (on leave); Glenn L. Martin Institute Prof of
Engineering (1998-to date) (on leave)
U. S. National Academy of Engineering, President (2013-to date)
National Research Council, Vice Chair (2013-to date)
Dynamics and stability of rotating and translating systems (strings, cables, plates, webs, etc.) and biomechanics of injury
Awards and Honors
National Academy of Engineering: Member (1988)
NAE Founder's Award (2005)
Foreign Member Chinese Academy of Engineering (2015)
Honorary Academician, Academia Sinica (2016)
Honorary Member:
American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) (2015)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers International (ASME) (1997)
Int Soc for Skiing Safety (ISSS) (2003)
National Academy of Inventors (2018)
American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
American Academy of Mechanics (AAM)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
ASME Awards:
ASME Medal (2011)
J. P. Den Hartog Award (2005)
Blackall Machine Tool Award (1975)
Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award (1994)
Applied Mechanics Award (2001)
ASME Roy V. Wright Lectureship and Award (2018)
AIAA Award:
Durand Lectureship for Public Service (2018)
UC Berkeley Awards:
Distinguished Teaching Award (1971)
Berkeley Citation (1998)
Distinguished Engineering Alumnus (2001)
Excellence in Achievement Award (2007)
National Prizes:
Humboldt Prize, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation FRG (1988)
Japan Soc for the Promotion of Science, Senior Sci Fellowship (1991)
USC Viterbi Lifetime Achievement Award (2019)
Honorary Doctorates:
Peking University (2018)
Illinois Institute of Technology (2014)
Carnegie Mellon University (2004)
The Ohio State University (2001)
Tashkent State Technical University (2001)
Society Awards:
Frederick W. Taylor Res Medal, Am. Soc. of Manufacturing Engrs. (1991)
Hetenyi Award, Society for Experimental Mechanics (1992)
Ralph Coats Roe Award, Am. Society of Engr Education (1997)