Ming-ke Wang 王明珂 Election Year 2014 Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
No.130, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Taipei City 115, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel: (02) 2652-3195 / Fax: (02) 2786-8834
Current Positions
Corresponding Research Fellow , Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Visiting Chair Professor, Department of History, Peking University
B.A. in History, Taiwan Normal University (1979)
M.A. in History, Taiwan Normal University (1983)
Ph.D. in History and Anthropology, Harvard University (1992)
Professional Experience
Academia Sinica: Assistant Researcher (1984-93); Associate Research Fellow (1993-99); Research Fellow (1999-2014); Head of Anthropology Division (1999-2000); Vice-Director (2000-02; 2003-04)
Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Department of Art History, UCLA (1998-99)
Guest Professor of History, Soochow University (2000-02)
Professor of Anthropology, National Taiwan University (2002-04)
Professor of History (jointly appointed), National Tsing Hua University (2004-05)
Visiting Scholar, EALC, Harvard University (2005)
Visiting Scholar, Harvard-Yenching Institute (2005-06)
Visiting Scholar, UC Davis (2009-10)
National Chung Hsing University: Dean, College of Liberal Arts (2010-13); Director, Research Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences (2011-12)
Visiting Scholar, Stanford University (2013-14)
Visiting Research Scholar, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto (2014-2015)
Adjunct Chair Professor, Department of History, National Taiwan Normal University (2016—)
History, Historical Anthropology
Awards and Honors
Award for Distinguished Academic Performance (History), National Science Council (1995)
Junior Research Investigators Award, Academia Sinica (1997)
Award for Outstanding Research (Anthropology), National Science Council (2003-2006)
Hu Shi Memorial Lecture Award, Academia Sinica (2005)
Award for Distinguished Research Project (History), National Science Council (2008-2011)
《Straddling between the Han and the Tibetan: the Qiang on Periphery China 》 was honored by Chinese Readers Weekly as one of the year's top 10 books (2008)
《Heroic Ancestors and Ethnic Brothers》was honored by Southern Metropolis Daily as one of the year's top 10 books (2009)
《Reflexive Historiography and Rethinking History》was honored by Southern Metropolis Daily as one of the year's top 10 books (2016)
《Theory of Poisonous Cats: The Roots of Fear and Violence in Societies》received the Golden Tripod Award from the Ministry of Culture, Executive Yuan (2022)