- Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor of Finance, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Affiliated Faculty Member (2011-present), MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
- Principal Investigator (2011–present), MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
- 耶魯大學經濟學士(1980)
- 哈佛大學經濟博士(1984)
- 美國國家經濟研究局(NBER) Faculty Research Fellow (1985-1989)、Olin Fellow (1988-1989)、Research Associate (1989—)
- 賓州大學Wharton 管理學院W. P. Carey財務學講座副教授(1987-1988)、助理教授(1984-1987)
- MIT Sloan 管理學院財務工程領域Director (1993-1999)、財務學教授(1992-1994)、財務學副教授(1988-1992, 1990獲終身職教授)、Batterymarch Fellow (1989-1990)
- Harris & Harris Group Professor (1994–2012), MIT Sloan School of Management
- Bernstein Fabozzi Jacobs Levy Prize, Best Paper of 2016, Journal of Portfolio Management.
- Karl Borch Lecture, Norwegian School of Economics (2016)
- Investment Management Consultants Association (2016)
- Richard J. Davis Ethics, Legal, Regulatory Insight Award (2016)
- Distinguished Visitor, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (2015)
- Northern Finance Association Keynote Address (2015)
- Midwest Finance Association Keynote Address (2015)
- Eugene Fama Prize for Outstanding Contributions to Doctoral Education, University of Chicago (2014)
- Samuel M. Seegal Prize, MIT (2014)
- John R. Raben/Sullivan & Cromwell Fellow Lecture, Yale Law School (2014)
- Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2013)
- Chinese Engineers and Scientists of Southern California Achievement Award (2013)
- Clarendon Lectures in Finance, Oxford University (2013)
- Nash Distinguished Lecture, Carnegie Mellon University (2012)
- Time Magazine, named one of 2012's "100 Most Influential People in the World" (2012)
- Teacher of the Year, MIT Sloan School of Management (2011–2012)
- Harry M. Markowitz Award, Journal of Investment Management (2011)
- Harry M. Markowitz Award, Journal of Investment Management (2010)
- Nomura Lecture, Oxford University (2009)
- 美國金融教育協會傑出金融教師/學者獎(2009)
- 美國工業與應用數學學會I.E. Block Community Lecture (2009)
- 第十屆Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy傑出獎(2009)
- 美國國家科學基金會工程首長傑出講座(2009)
- Sigma Xi講座(2009)
- 美國市場技術分析師協會年度獎(2009)
- 波士頓證券分析師協會榮譽會員(2008)
- Smith-Breeden傑出論文獎(2007)
- 牛津大學出版社百篇最佳論文
- 第七屆Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy傑出獎(2006)
- CFA協會James R. Vertin Award (2005)
- 美國計量經濟學會會士(2003)
- 古根漢基金會會士(2002)
- Graham and Dodd Award (1999, 2002)
- IAFE/SunGard年度財務工程獎(2001)
- Paul A. Samuelson Award (1998)
- DEC Alpha Innovators Award (1993)
- Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (1992–1994)
- Inquire-Europe Award, First Prize (1992–1993)
- MIT Sloan 管理學院年度教師獎(1991–1992)
- Review of Financial Studies最佳論文獎(1990)
- MIT Sloan管理學院教學卓越獎(1990–1991)
- 美國個人投資者協會獎(1989),及其他諸多獎項