

Division of Humanities and Social Sciences

Jackson T.-S. Sun 孫天心
Election Year 2018
Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica
128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Taipei 11529, Taiwan
Tel: (02)2652-5027 / Fax: (02)2785-6622

Current Positions
  • Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica (August 2018~)
  • Honorary Chair Professor, Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University (June 2019~)
  • MA in Linguistics, National Taiwan Normal University (1979/09-1982/06)
  • Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of California at Berkeley (1988/08-1993/05)
Professional Experience
  • Assistant Research Fellow, Inst. of History and Philology, Academia Sinica (1986/08-1993/01);Associate Research Fellow, Inst. of History and Philology/Inst. of Linguistics, Academia Sinica (1993/02-2000/05);Research Fellow, Inst. of Linguistics, Academia Sinica (2001.06-2018.07)
  • Deputy Director, Inst. of Linguistics, Academia Sinica (2005/08-2006/07)
  • Visiting Professor, La Trobe University (2008.03.01-2008.05.31)
  • National Science Council (NSC) Convener of Linguistics (2008/03-2009/05)
  • Director, Inst. of Linguistics, Academia Sinica (2008/08-2011/07)
  • Adjunct Professor, Peking University (2010-2012)
  • Visiting Professor, Peking University (2014-2015)
  • CLASS Visiting Scholar, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2015.05.01-2015.06.30)
  • Linguistics
Awards and Honors
  • Notable Awards
    Fulbright Graduate Study Award (1988-1990)
    Chancellor's Dissertation Year Fellowship, University of California at Berkeley (1992-1993)
    Ministry of Education Award for Distinguished Research on Non-Chinese Languages of China (1994)
    Academia Sinica Early-Career Investigator Research Achievement Award (1996)
    NSC Outstanding Research Awards (2003, 2019)
    Ministry of Education Academic Award (2020)
    Linguistic Society of Taiwan Lifelong Achievement Award (2022)
  • Notable honors and academic services
    keynote speaker at International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (Invited four times: Singapore 2012; Kunming 2014; Beijing 2017; Kyoto 2018)
    Invited speaker for the Lecture Series Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Nankai University (2019)
    Distinguished Alumnus, National Taiwan Normal University (2019)
  • Editorial board member/associate editor of journals:
    Minzu Yuwen (2000~)
    Himalayan Linguistics (2002-2007)
    Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area (2005-2013)
    Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics (2006~)
    Journal of Sino-Tibetan Linguistics (2007~)
    Chinese Historical Linguistics and Sino-Tibetan Linguistics (2016~)
    Chinese Linguistics (2021~)