- Professor, Depts. of Pharmacology and Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego
- Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- A.B., Chemistry & Physics, Harvard College (1972)
- Ph.D., Physiology, University of Cambridge, U.K. (1977)
- Doctorates honoris causa: Katholieke Univ. Leuven, Univ. Hong Kong, Chinese Univ. Hong Kong, Semmelweis Univ. Budapest
- Postdoctoral research, Physiological Laboratory, Cambridge, UK (1978-81)
- Asst. Professor (1981-85), Assoc. Professor (1985-87), Professor (1987-89), Dept. of Physiology Anatomy, University of California, Berkeley
- Professor, Depts. of Pharmacology and Chemistry & Biochemistry, Univ. Calif., San Diego (1989-);
- Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (1989-)
- Cell Biology, Chemistry, Physiology, Biochemistry, Neuroscience
- 1968: National 1st Prize, Westinghouse Sci. Talent Search. 1968-1972: Marshall Scholarship. 1983-1986: Searle Scholar. 1991: Passano Foundation Young Scientist Award; W. Alden Spencer Award in Neurobiology, Columbia Univ. 1995: Artois-Baillet-Latour Health Prize, Belgium; Gairdner Foundation Intl. Award, Canada; elected to U.S. Institute of Medicine. 1998: elected to American Academy of Arts & Sciences and National Academy of Sciences. 2002: Award for Creative Invention, Am. Chem. Soc.; Anfinsen Award, Protein Society; Heineken Prize for Biochem. & Biophys., Royal Netherlands Academy of Sci. 2003: Todd Visiting Prof. of Chemistry, Univ. Cambridge, UK; Keith Porter Lectureship, Am Soc. Cell Biol.. 2004: Wolf Prize in Medicine, Israel (shared with R. Weinberg); Grass Foundation Lectureship, Soc. for Neurosci.; Keio Medical Science Prize, Keio Univ., Tokyo. 2005: Perl Prize in Neurosci., Univ. N. Carolina; J. Allyn Taylor Intl. Prize in Medicine, Robarts Institute, London, Ontario. 2006: Lewis S. Rosenstiel Award for Distinguished Work in the Basic Med. Sci., Brandeis Univ.; elected as Foreign Member Royal Society of London. 2008: Nobel Prize in Chemistry (shared with O. Shimomura and M. Chalfie); E.B. Wilson Medal, Am. Soc. Cell Biol. 2009: Exceptional Achievement Award, Society for Molecular Imaging