- B. S., Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley (1954)
- M. S., Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Wash. (1955)
- Ph.D. Metallurgy, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley (1963)
- Chemical Engineer, Stauffer Chemical Co. (1956-59)
- Research Associate, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley (1963)
- Metallurgist, Aerojet General Corp. (1963-67)
- Associate Professor (1967-70), Professor (1970-80), Chair (1971-77), Materials Department, Associate Dean-Research (1978-80), Graduate School, UW-Milwaukee (UW-M)
- Visiting Scientist, Sandia Laboratories (Summer, 1971)
- Professor (1980-2006), Chair (1982-91), Wisconsin Distinguished Professor (1988-2006), Wisconsin Distinguished Professor Emeritus (2006-), Dept. of Mat. Sci. and Engin., UW-Madison
- Visiting Professor, Sendai University, Japan (Fall, 1987)
- Visiting Professor, MIT (Fall, 1991)
- Summer Faculty, Quantum Structure Research Initiative (QSRI), Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (1999)
- Honorary Chair Professor, National Tsing Hua University (1 week/year, 2002, 2003, 2005)
- Member, 1996, National Academy of Engineering.
- Foreign Member, 2000, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
- Academician, 2010, Academia Sinica.
- Honorary Member of AIME, 2010.
- J. Willard Gibbs Award, 2009, ASM (ASM International).
- Gold Medal, 2009, ASM.
- Warren Savage Award, 2009, AWS (American Welding Society).
- Acta Materialia Gold Medal, 2009, Acta Materialia Inc.
- E. D. Campbell Memorial Lecturer Award, 2003, ASM.
- John Bardeen Award, 2000, TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Soc.).
- Albert Sauveur Achievement Award, 1996, ASM.
- Champion H. Mathewson Medal, 1996, TMS.
- Extraction and Processing Lecturer Award, 1993, TMS.
- Fellow of TMS, 1991 (living Fellow to 100!).
- William Hume-Rothery Award, TMS, 1989.
- Albert Easton White Distinguished Teacher Award, ASM, 1994.
- Educator Award, TMS, 1990.
- Identified as a highly cited person in Mater. Sci. by ISIHighlyCited, 2003, covering the period 1981-1999;
- APDIC Best Paper Award, 1999 (APDIC-Alloy Phase Diagram Intern. Comm.); Fellow, 1978, ASM.
- Physical Sciences Directorate Distinguished Lecturer, ORNL, 2008; Nanqiang Lecture, Universitas Amoiensis, China, November 17, 2008; Distinguished Speaker, Dept of MS&E, Penn State, 2004; Belton Lecturer, CSIRO, Victoria, Australia, 2000; Winchell Lecture, Purdue Univ., 1999.
- Wisc. Idea Fellow, UW System, 2004-2005; Byron Bird Award, Research Publication, UW-Madison, 1984; Outstanding Instructor Award, UW-Milwaukee, 1972.