


沈正韻 Jen Sheen
當選院士屆數 第27屆
Dept. of Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Dept. of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
185 Cambridge St., Simches 7624 E
Boston, MA 02114, U.S.A.
Tel: (617) 726-5916 / Fax: (617) 726-6893

  • 哈佛醫學院遺傳學教授
  • B.S. (1980): National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (Botany)
  • Ph.D. (1986): Harvard University, Boston, MA (Cellular and Developmental Biology)
  • Academic Appointments:
    1987-1997: Lecturer on Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
    1998-2004: Associate Professor in Genetics, Harvard Medical School
    2005- : Professor in Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
    2022- : The Frederick M. Ausubel Endowed Chair in Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
  • Other Experiences:
  • Panel Member: 1996, USDA (Genetic Mechanisms); 1997-2003, NSF (Integrative Plant Biology); 2000, NIH (CDF-1 Molecular Biology Study Section); 2003-2005, Faculty 1000 Plant Cell Biology; 2005-2007, NIH CSD Study Section (Cellular Signaling & Dynamics); 2005, NIH Innate Immunity Special Emphasis Review Panel; 2005, NSF Plant Genome Research Program Special Panel, 2007, NSF IOS Panel; 2008, 2009-2013 NIH CSRS Panel; 2010 Human Frontier Committee; 2010-2014, ASPB Bogorad Award Chair; 2011, 2016, Institution Review Committee, Academia Sinica; 2014, ASPB Martin Gibbs Medal Committee; 2015, NIH MIST panel; 2018, ABRC Director Search Committee Chair, Academia Sinica
  • Advisory Board: 2004-2010, IPMB, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; 2010-2020, ABRC, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; 2021-2025, Board of Trustees ASPB
  • Organizer: 2000, Banbury Center Meeting at CSH; 2001, American Society of Plant Biology Plenary Session; 2002, 2019 Int'l Arabidopsis Conference, Spain; 2010 Keystone Symposium; 2014, ASPB Martin Gibbs Symposium; 2018, 2021, EMBO Workshop
  • Editor: 2001-2010, Science Signaling; 2003-2004, Current Opinion in Plant Biology; 2010, Annual Review of Plant Biology
  • Advisory Board of Journals: 1998-2003, Plant Molecular Biology; 1999-Present, Trends in Plant Science; 1999-2007, Plant Journal; 2010-Present, Botanical Studies; 2014-2022, Science Signaling; 2022-Present, Molecular Cell
  • 植物分子生物學
  • Awards:
    1994-1995 The NSF Career Advancement Award
    1997-1998 The Japanese RITE International Award
    2000, 2002-2007 & 2009-2014: NSF Creativity Award, NSF Achievement Award
    2003: The European Flying Fellowship of Plant Molecular Biology
    2008: Elected Academician of Academia Sinica, Taiwan, ROC
    2009: Elected AAAS Fellow
    2013: Martin Gibbs Medal, American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB)
  • Honors:
    1987: Junior Fellow in Molecular Biology, MGH
    1998: Plenary Speaker, Canadian Plant Physiology Symposium
    1999: The Waller Lecturer, Ohio State University
    2000: Presidential Lectures at NAIST, Japan
    2002: Annual Harry Tsujimoto Lecturer at UC Berkeley; Keynote Lecturer of the Italian Society of Plant Genetics; Plenary Speaker of Int'l Plant Genome Conference, Beijing, China
    2003: Keynote Speaker at 20th MAPMB Meeting, Washington, DC; Plenary Speaker at ComBio2003, Australia
    2004: Plenary Speaker at KSBMB, Seoul, South Korea; Plenary Speaker at Int'l Photosynthesis Congress, Montreal, Canada
    2005: Plenary Speaker at 4th Int'l Plant Metabolism Symposium, Seoul, South Korea; Plenary Speaker at IX Portuguese-Spanish Congress of Plant Physiology, Vora, Portugal
    2007: Annual Clayton Person Lecturer, U. of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada; Keynote Speaker at U. of Missouri Symposium: Plant Phosphorylation and Dephosphorylation, Columbia; Plenary Speaker at Int'l Photosynthesis Congress, Glasgow, UK; Plenary Speaker at Int'l Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Sorrento, Italy; Plenary Speaker at the International Symposium of Plant Growth Substsances, Kyiv, Ukraine; Plenary Speaker at Int'l Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar, Saskatchewan, Canada
    2008-2009: Annual Buchanan Lecturer, UC Berkeley; The Grace Chen Lectureship of Academia Sinica, Taiwan
    2012: Plenary Speaker at the Frontier in Cell Biology Research, Hong Kong; Plenary Speaker at Int'l Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Kyoto, Japan; Plenary Speaker at the 10th International Plant Molecular Biology Congress, Jeju, Korea; Keynote speaker at MCB, U. of Maryland.
    2013: Plenary speaker at Maize Genetics Conference; Keynote Speaker at the MAS-ASPB meeting, Delaware; Keynote speaker at the Australasian Plant Pathology Conference, New Zealand.
    2014: Plenary speaker at ASPB Martin Gibbs Symposium.
    2015: The Shang-Fa Yang Lecturer, Academia Sinica & National Chen-Kung University
    2016: Keynote Speaker at ICAR, Korea
    2018: Keynote Speaker at Latin America Plant Physiology Meeting, Argentina
    2019: Keynote Speaker at Japan-Taiwan Plant Biology, Japan; Keynote Speaker at the Mexico-US Symposium, Mexico; The Croucher Foundation Lecturer, Hong Kong
    2022: The Frederick M. Ausubel Endowed Chair in Molecular Biology, MGH
    2023: ASPB Pioneer Member