Pao-Kuan Wang 王寳貫 Election Year 2018 128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Taipei 11529, Taiwan Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica Tel: (02)2787-5882 / Fax: (02)2783-3584
Current Positions
Corresponding Research Fellow, Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica
Distinguished Research Chair, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University
National Taiwan University BS (Meteorology)(1967-1971)
University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA), MS (1973-1975), PhD (1975-1978), both in Atmospheric Science
Visiting Professor, Department of Atmospheric Science, UCLA (1988)
Chair, Cloud Physics Committee, American Meteorological Society (1991-1993)
Visiting Professor, Dept. of Atmospheric Physics, University of Mainz, Germany (Spring, 1993)
Visiting Professor, Atmospheric Science, National Taiwan University (Fall, 1993), Adjunct Professor (2013-2019), Distinguished Research Chair (2019-date)
Professor (joint appoint.), Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University (2015-date)
Visiting Professor, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sci., MIT (1997)
Visiting Professor, Physics Department, University of Ferrara, Italy (2001)
Visiting Professor, Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany (2003)
Advisory Committee, Interaction of Cosmic and Atmospheric Particle Systems, European Space Agency (2001-2009)
Advisory Committee, Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany (2005-2011)
Consulting Editor, McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology (2003-2014)
Editor (Geophysics), Il Nuovo Cimento C (2009-2015)
Associate Editor, Atmospheric Research (2010-date)
Associate Editor, European Physical Journal Plus (2010-2015)
International Advisory Board, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (2011-2014)
President, Meteorological Society of ROC (2013-2017), Councilor, Chinese Geoscience Union (2013-date)
Distinguished Research Fellow and Director, Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica (2013-2020), Visiting Chair (2020), Corresponding Research Fellow (2022-date)
Visiting Distinguished Chair, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University (2021-2022)
Atmospheric Sciences
Awards and Honors
Samuel C. Johnson Distinguished Fellowship (US), 1992
Alexander von Humboldt Senior Research Award (Germany), 1993
Fellow, American Meteorological Society, 2005
Fellow, Meteorological Society of ROC, 2008
European Severe Storms Laboratory (ESSL) Nikolai Dotzek Award (2023)
Ten Best Books, China Times (Heaven and Earth, Newton), 1996
Ta-You Wu Popular Science Good Book Award (Insights, Commonwealth), 2002
Gold Caldron Good Book Award, Government Information Office (Insights, Commonwealth), 2002
Gold Caldron Good Book Award, Government Information Office (Big World from a Small Dust, Rhythms), 2005