Yu-Chong Tai 戴聿昌 Election Year 2016 MS 136-93, Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA Tel: (626) 395-8317
Current Positions
Anna L. Rosen Prof. of EE and MedE, California Institute of Technology
B.S., Department of EE, National Taiwan University (1981)
M.S. (1986); Ph.D. (1989), Department of EECS, UC Berkeley
Professional Experience
California Institute of Technology:
Assistant Prof (1989); Associate Professor (1995); Professor of EE (2000); Prof. of EE and BE (2002); EE Option Representative (Vice Chair, 2002-05); EE Executive Officer (i.e., Chairman, 2005-08); Prof. of EE and ME (2005); Professor of EE and Medical Engineering (2013-present); Executive Officer of Medical Engineering (2013-2022)
Associate Editor, J. of Micromechanics and Microengineering (1996-present)
General Chairman, IEEE MEMS Conference (2002)
Chair of Steering Committee IEEE MEMS Conference (2003)
Member, NSF BMES ERC Center (2003-13)
Subject Editor, IEEE/ASME Journal of MEMS (2003-05)