Current Positions
- Distinguished Professor & Raytheon Professor, EE Dept., UCLA
- B.S. , Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University (1964)
- M.S. (1966); Ph.D. (1970); EE, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Professional Experience
- R&D Engineer/Physicist, GE (1972-79)
- Professor (1979-present); Dept. Chair (1993-1996), EE,UCLA
- Dean of Engineering School, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2000-2002)
- Director, MARCO Focus Center of Functional Engineered Nano Architectonics(FENA)(2003-13)
- Director, Western Institute of Nanoelectronics (WIN)(2006-present)
- Associate Director, California NanoSystem Institute (CNSI)(2007-13)
- Director, Joint Center of Excellence on Green Nanotechnology (CEGN)(2009-present)
- Editor-In-Chief, IEEE TNANO (2011-14)
- Advisor, Taiwan's National Nano Device Labs, NDL (2004-07)
- Review Panel, Condensed Matters Science Research Center, National Taiwan University (2014)
- Review Committee, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica (2015)
- Director, UCLA Center of Quantum Sciences and Engineering (CQSE)(2020-present)
- Spintronics, Semiconductor Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology
Awards and Honors
- Guggenheim Fellowship (1987)
- Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) Inventor Awards (1989, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1995, 2001, 2002-14)
- IEEE Fellow (1992)
- J.H. Adlers Award (1992)
- European MRS Best Paper Award (1995)
- SRC Technical Excellence Award (1995)
- SRC Conference Best Paper Award (2000)
- SRC Outstanding Service Award (2000)
- Alumni Award of NCKU N. Am. Alumni Foundation Inc. (2001)
- Honorary Professors of Tsinghua University and Nanjing University (2002)
- TSMC-National Tsing Hua University Lectureship Award (2004)
- Honoris Causa from the Polytechnico University (Torino) (2005)
- Honorary Professor of Chinese Science Academy, Semiconductor Institute (2005)
- Raytheon Chair Professor Award (2007)
- IBM Faculty Award (2007)
- Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) University Researcher Award (2009)
- Outstanding Alumni Award from National Cheng Kung University (2012)
- Outstanding Research Award from Pan Wen Yuan Foundation (2015)
- Academician of Academia Sinica (2016)
- IEEE EDS J.J. Ebers Award (2017)
- American Physical Society Fellow (2017)
- IUPAP Magnetism Award and Neel Medal (2018)
- Chinese American Historymakers Lifetime Achievement Award (2018)
- ITRI Laureate (2018)
- Chinese Institute of Engineers-USA, Greater New York Chapter Distinguished Achievement Award (2018)