Current Positions
- Honorary Chair Professor, National Tsing Hua University
- Emeritus Scholar Chair, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC)
- B.S. in Electrophysics, National Chiao Tung Univ. (1968)
- M.S. in Physics, Clemson University (1971)
- Ph.D. in Physics, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (1975)
Professional Experience
- Assist. Prof., Assoc. Prof., Professor (1975-1985), State University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Visiting Scholar, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany (1981-1982)
- Head (1986-1993), Users Division, Deputy Director (1995-1996), Director (2010-2014), Nat'l Synch. Radiation Research Center
- Professor (1986—), Chairman, Dept. of Physics (1987-1990); Dean of R. & D. (1998-2004); Dean, College of Science (2004-2006), Vice President (2006-2010.07), National Tsing Hua University
- Co-editor, Chin. J. Physics (1989-2004), Adv. Material Sci. & Tech. (1997-2001)
- Member, Commission on Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter, IUPAP (1991-1995)
- President, Physical Society of R.O.C. (1992)
- Director General, Department of Natural Sciences (1993-1995), National Science Council
- Councilor (1999-2010), Secretary/Treasurer, Asian Crystallographic Association (1999-2002)
- Member, Academic Committee (2000-2008), Physical Society of R.O.C.
- Consultant (2005-2008); Member (2008-2017), Commission on Synchrotron & XFEL Radiation, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
- Chairman, The Crystallographic Committee (2005-2010)
- Condense Matter Physics and Crystallography
Awards and Honors
- Outstanding Research Award in Physics, 1986-1994, National Science Council (NSC)
- Sun Yat Sen Academic Award (1993)
- Academic Award in Math. & Natural Sciences, Ministry of Education (1997)
- National Chair in Math. & Natural Sciences, Ministry of Education (1999-2005; lifelong honor)
- Tung Yuan Award in Science & Technology: Mechanics/Materials/Energy (2005)
- Chair Professor, Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship (2006-2010)
- B. E. Warren Diffraction Physics Award, American Crystallographic Association (2009)
- Hou Chin-Duei Outstanding Honorary Award (Basic Science, 2010)
- Distinguished Research Fellow (1996-2002); Senior Distinguished Research Fellow, NSC (2002)
- Tsing Hua Professor (Chair) of Natural Sciences; Tsing Hua Distinguished Chair (2006-2011), Honorary Chair Professor (2012—)
- Fellow, Physical Society of R.O.C. (1993)
- Elected Member, Asian Pacific Academy of Materials Science (2003)
- Fellow, American Physical Society (2007)
- Distinguished Alumnus, National Chiao Tung University (2001), Chair Professor (2012), Tien C.-P. Lecture (2014)
- Academician, Academia Sinica, R.O.C. (2010)
- Elected Member, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)(2011)