Current Positions
- 金陵大學農學士
- 美國康乃爾大學理學碩士
- 美國明尼蘇達大學哲學博士
Professional Experience
- 中國農村復興聯合委員會技佐、技正
- 國際稻米研究所遺傳學家、首席科學家
- 菲律賓大學客座教授
- 海外技術合作委員會特約顧問
- 亞洋育種學會(SABRAO)會長
Awards and Honors
- John Scott Award(Philladelphia)for thr Invention of IR8
- Outstanding Achievement Award, University of Minnesota
- Fellow of American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America,
Institute of Biology and Chartered Biologist(U.K.)及三項獎狀與獎章 - Rank Prize for Agronomy and Nutrition(U.K.)
- 中國水稻研究所寧夏農林所名譽研究員
- National Academy of Sciences of U.S.A. Foreign Associate
- Third World Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences
(India), Pontifical Academy of Sciences Fellow - Academician, Academia Sinica, R.O.C.(1996)
- Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement(U.S.A.)